Monday, June 4, 2012

First Family Outing!

On Wednesday May 30th we went on our first family outing.

Our 4 blessings all buckled in. You might notice there has been a change since the last time I blogged about our seating arrangement. Yeah...Ella needed to be moved away from Owen. She is such an instigator and she is super ornery so we decided to make our car rides more pleasant she was getting moved. It really has made traveling in the van much easier!

Jack is over the moon that he gets to sit next to Zeke. He kept saying..."Mommy he's holding my hand!"

Cute nerdo!!!

Lookin' good with her shades!

Zeke did great at his appointment. He had gained some weight going from 6lbs 9oz to 6lbs 14oz!

I totally forgot to bring things for the kids to do, but I found some paper in my purse and a pen so Ella sat down and drew.

The boys listened to Daddy read a book.

Then my back started to hurt so it was my turn to sit down. Don't you just love those long waits at the doctor's office...I don't think so!

Then I mentioned to the kids it would be fun to surprise Dr. Apostol so Owen hid behind the exam table.

Jack and Ella hid under the table waiting to jump out and say surprise. Unfortunately the doctor was running so behind that Michael ended up having to take the kids out before he came in. Overall they did really good having to wait so long in such a small space. Another sad thing was right after this picture was taken my camera battery died so I don't have pictures of the rest of our outing. After the doctor's visit we took the kids out for some lunch and playtime at McD's! We don't normally get Happy Meals for the kids we just get a 20 piece nugget and Michael shares with the kids, but right now they have all the Madagascar toys for the new movie so couldn't pass it up. We also told Jack that part of his birthday present is getting to go see the new movie. Then we asked him if he wanted to go see it will just Mommy and Daddy or if he wanted Owen and Ella to come too. I was sure he would say he wanted Owen and Ella to come since he likes to include everyone, but he was very specific he just wants to go with Mommy and Daddy. I did tell him that Zeke would have to join us too, but he didn't seem to mind. I think it will be great to have special one on one time with him...can't wait for the movie to come out now!

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