Saturday, June 2, 2012

Little Mommy!

The other night Michael walked into our bedroom and this is what he saw....

Ella with her baby and me with Zeke. She is such a little mommy it's just adorable. I always thought that 20 months apart (the spacing between Jack and Ella) was the best, but Ella is almost 28 months and really this has been even better spacing. She is so independent and can do lots of things on her own and she loves Zeke to pieces. She wants to hold him all the time.

She also loves to pretend and do mommy things with her babies. She loves to "burp" them and "feed" them a bottle. The surprising thing I haven't seen her do yet is try to nurse her babies. I'm sure that will come though....when Ella was born even my boys "nursed" their stuffed animals!

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