Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sunday Morning Breakfast!

Our normal routine for the past few weeks has been that Michael makes breakfast on Saturday's and then I make breakfast on Sunday's. It's a nice arrangement! This Sunday we happened to have strawberries on hand and I didn't necessarily know what we were going to use them for except to just snack on. Then it hit me...Waffles topped with strawberries and whipped cream. Other than occasionally having this at a restaurant I've never made them at home.

For some reason even though I added sugar to the strawberries they didn't yield much liquid. I didn't want the waffles to be dry so I ended up blending up some strawberries with powdered sugar and made my own syrup. Oh my they were SO yummy and such a treat!

Here are the ones I made for the kids. It was fun making them look all cute and fancy. Jack and Ella had no trouble eating them, but Owen was beside himself. He kept saying, "I thought we were going to have "reglyer" waffles?" He ended up being dismissed from the table and then coming back later and eating half of a plain waffle. Seriously....where did we go wrong with this kid and his eating???

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