Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Where Everybody Knows Your Name!

On Monday night Jen came over with Logan to hang out and meet Zeke. Since the girls hadn't seen each other in over a month Ella did have a hard time sharing her toys. She eventually opened up and Logan and her started playing together.

Here they are reading books together. After this picture the girls ended up turning around and hitting the cabinet behind them...they were laughing up a storm! It was so cute!

A little while after this Ella was sitting on the couch and the footrest was up and she leaned out onto it and the footrest gave out from under her and WHAM!!! She fell and smashed her head into the wood coffee table. It was a blood gushing, tears streaming, cries for Mommy moment!

You can barely see the circle Band-Aid on her forehead.

Daddy jumped up and grabbed her and got a towel. Once we got the bleeding under control and we saw how bad it was it was off to Mary Bridge...hence the title of this post! Thankfully Jen was there so we were able to leave right away and then my parents came up so she could go home.

I sat in the back of the van to make sure she was okay. Even though she was hurt she still wanted to be stylish!

Okay now for the bloody pictures....if you get grossed out by this stuff you might not want to look!





Serious gash!

When they were checking her out I asked if the ER was busy and they told me that they would be sending her through the fast track ER because she's wasn't going to need sedation.

After cleaning her gash up they wrapped it until the nurse could come in and apply the numbing gel.

Watching the nurse like a hawk....she did not like having the numbing gel put on.

Playing with the wall toys in the room while waiting for the numbing gel to do it's thing.

Poor baby girl! Other than the numbing gel all they did was basically swaddle her in sheets so she would keep her hands down. Even though she's crying she was super brave!

This was the first stitch and after this one she really did calm down and just kind of breathed heavily.

It took four stitches to close her up. They are the disolvable kind so we won't have to go to the doctor to have them removed which is nice. They should dissolve in about 5 - 7 days.

What do big brave girls get after stitches? Why an orange Popsicle of course!!! We ended up only being at the ER for about 2 hours which is a miracle! We were home by 10pm and Ella went right to bed and slept great. She was a little cranky the next day, but who could blame her. The doctor did a great job stitching her up so it will be interesting to see how it looks when the stitches dissolve. I will be putting the scar cream on it to help minimize it. They also told me I have to make sure she has sunscreen on it too.

At this rate this cute girl is going to have more battle scars then both of her brothers!

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