Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Another Makeover!

So this is the room that started the whole mini makeover of our house. It had been brewing in my head for a while, but this really was the catalyst for it all.

This is the kids bathroom...well this is the way it was when we first moved into the house. We changed everything in this room...paint, flooring, vanity, lighting, mirrors, added shower doors and put in a new white baseboard heater in.

I wanted to decorate with sunflowers so my MIL painted these on the wall for me. Enter overflowing toilet that ruined the floors and started the whole makeover process.

Michael went a got those linoleum squares that look like tiles and put them in. Surprisingly they are really nice. He even bought the grout stuff that goes in between the tiles and it makes it look like really tile. Of course it doesn't feel like real tile, but that's okay. After that we decided that the paint wasn't right for the room anymore so he started painting it the dark brown on the window wall.

Here is the room now...minus new baseboards. I love the dark brown color and the floor tiles. It looks so sophisticated. Not necessarily a kids looking bathroom, but I've never been one to have a Disney themed bathroom.

I love how the brown really makes all the while in the room pop and I was still able to decorate with all my sunflower stuff!

One room down...well once the baseboards are in...a few more rooms to go. Stay tuned!

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