Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Aunt Linda & Uncle Lee's!

After collecting our luggage, picking up our rental van, going the wrong way on the highway, stopping at Burger King for milkshakes (where the lady looked at me like I had grown 17 heads when I asked for a small milkshake split up into 3 cups) and getting held up by a train and construction we were FINALLY on our way to Sheridan, Wyoming.
Our rental was a brand new (only had 500 miles on it) Dodge Caravan. In ways it was nice, but mostly it irritated me. The automatic doors chose to work sometimes and others not so much. Also the 3rd row bench wasn't wide enough for all 3 car seats to fit. We have the super skinny car seats too so this just boggled my mind. It did serve it's purpose though!
Going to Aunt Linda & Uncle Lee's house is a lot like going to Ga-Ga & Pa's. They have plenty of toys, snacks and movies to keep kids happy as clams.
I would say the boys favorite thing to play with was Aunt Linda's Water Rocket Sprinkler. They shot this thing up in the air over and over again.
I tried to find this exact one online while we were there and it's actually retired now and if you want to get it off Ebay it will cost you $50. I did find a Buzz Lightyear Rocket Sprinkler online for $13, but of course now when I try to find that same deal I can't...I should have ordered it then. Argh!
Ella got to swing and swing and swing in Aunt Linda's grand daughter Alli's swing.
Zeke is thinking, "Sure you give me a pink paci and now you stick me in a pink swing....give me a break!"
Jack loved riding on the scooter...
and wrestling around with Aunt Linda.
Zeke catchin' some Z's on Daddy!
Aunt Linda with her newest Sugar Bear!
While in Sheridan Aunt Linda, Zeke and I went to Wal-Mart to get a few things and Michael took the older kids on a nature walk. After shopping Aunt Linda drove me around and showed me the sights. She had mentioned a park that would be fun to take the kids to so we drove by it to check it out and see if it was busy. While driving around we ran into Uncle Lee, Michael and the kids playing at the park. I LOVE small towns!
There was a garage sale across the street from Aunt Linda's house...she bought Ella Bean this cute sunhat. Look at those Angeline Jolie lips!
Owen has some pretty nice puckery lips too!
Climbing high...Jack was freaked out right now!
Doing some hard manual labor!
On Saturday night Ga-Ga, Pa, Uncle Ry and Aunt Stephie arrived...they left on Friday and drove so it took them longer. We had a really nice dinner and then settled in for the night. After breaking out some wine and Mike's Hard Lemonade us ladies decided to snuggle on the couch.
We stayed at Aunt Linda's two nights before moving on to our next destination. I have no idea how many times during the rest of the trip I heard, "Can we go back to Aunt Linda's?" from Owen. I'm thinking we are going to need to plan a trip where we just stay there for a whole week. Are you ready for us to come back Aunt Linda??? ;)

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