Thursday, August 9, 2012

First Trip To The ER!

On Sunday Jack finally broke his record of never going to the ER! We were trying to herd the kids into the van so we could actually make it to church and then there was screaming! Jack decided to go out the front instead of through the he was opening the gate he fell and hit the concrete with this head. I'm thinking there was a rock that was involved too. I was upstairs getting some last minute things and when I came down Michael was holding a towel to Jack's head. I asked, "How bad?"...when he showed me I threw up my hands and said, "There's goes church!" I'm so compassionate aren't I!

Owen ran to his medical kit that Aunt Michelle gave him and got Jack a Phineas and Ferb bandaid. Then Michael got Jack in the van and headed to Mary Bridge.

When we first told Jack that he was going to have to go to the ER he was yelling that he wasn't going to go. This was a whole new experience for him and he was freaked out. He was scared that he was going to have a shot. I told him about Ella's most recent experience and that they didn't give her a shot so I was sure they wouldn't give him one since his was a smaller wound.

The puncture wound!

After the nurse came in and put the numbing cream on Jack's wound he ended up getting bumped due to a more serious case coming in. He ended up having the cream on for about an hour. When it was time to stitch him up they decided to give him a shot of local as well. Michael said he had no idea they gave it to him though because he was so numb!

All stitched up and ready to go!

It's crazy how many times our kids have ended up in the ER and it makes Michael and I wonder how both of us made it through our childhood without stitches!

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