Friday, August 31, 2012

Mount Munchmore!

On Monday morning Michael dropped Ella, Zeke, Ga-Ga & I off at my grandparents apartment. Then he and the boys set off on a 2 1/2 hour drive to go see Mount Rushmore...or as Owen calls it Mount Munchmore.
Look at these cute mugs!
Michael said that the drive was okay, but I would have never made it. That's why I didn't go!!! I can only handle being in the car with the kids for so long. I know my limits!
Michael loves how Owen is really checking out the monument. See Owen's cool hair cut...yeah that was actually an oops by Daddy. He cleaned the clippers and then forgot to put the attachment back on before he started shaving Owen's head. He ended up giving him an army crew cut to cover up his mistake...I think it turned out pretty nice!
Michael had never been to Mount Rushmore before...I have, but it was years ago. One of the things he commented on was how small it was in real life. He figured it would be much bigger.
This picture says it all...these are our crazy boys!
Handsome 4 year old boy!
You can absolutely see is young man look in this picture. He sure is a looker!
Us girls plus Zeke spent the whole day at my grandparents just catching up. My Uncle Clif was there too and he gave us a ride back to the hotel around 4pm. While we were there Ella napped in their bed and Zeke napped on the floor in the other room. I didn't take any other pictures grandparents aren't really ones for photos. After we got back to the hotel we walked to a store and shopped a bit, ate dinner at Applebee's and then went back to the hotel to swim some more.
After swimming we settled in for the night watching TV and eating popcorn! During the whole trip the earliest the kids went to bed was 9pm...most of the time they weren't asleep until 10pm. Needless to say they have still been recovering from the lack of sleep by sleeping in until 8:00 most days.

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