Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Look Mom...No Cavities!

Last Thursday I took the kids to the dentist for their check up...I remember when I was just taking Owen and Jack it was so stressful, but now I can take 4 kids and it's a breeze. I was wanting to take the kids to DQ afterwards and have a little mid-morning date with Daddy, but I forgot that they can't eat or drink for 30 minutes after they get fluoride on their teeth. I ended up having to nurse Zeke in the van right after the appointment and then by the time we got home it had been over a half an hour.
Thanks to some free McFlurry Monopoly pieces I got 2 McFlurry's for all of use to share. The Rolo one is AMAZING!!!
Jack did fabulously....he even let them take 3 xrays...they couldn't quite get the last one since he has such a good gag reflex. It was so neat seeing his permanent teeth on the xray...just knowing they are down there waiting to pop up.
Logan and her Mommy got to have a little mid-morning date while we were at the dentist...they went for a stroll at the beach!
Ella is still super nervous about anything medical so she would not sit in the dentist chair. They did have a cute pink little kid chair so she sat in that. The hygienist literally was swatting as low as she could so she could clean her teeth. Cute little particular girl!
Owen did great, but we found out that he hasn't been brushing his gums well enough...they were really inflamed and bleeding. So we have to help him to make sure he gets them well enough.
"Hey...where's my ice cream!"

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