Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Indoor Games!

Back in August I started a project I had seen on...you guess it...Pinterest! I needed a HUGE piece of fabric and thankfully I had one on hand. I had bought this giant piece of fabric back when Owen was a baby and I used it as a baby wrap carrier. I never really got the hang of it though so I just put away in a container for another use down the road. So happy I kept it!!

In the above picture you can also see my most awesome purchase ever!!! I got that rotary cutter, ruler and cutting mat on sale for $26!!! It was normally $53! Now that I have this I seriously don't know how or why I ever did certain crafts without it! It's a total time saver!

Here's the layout for our indoor hopscotch! I had a bunch of felt leftover from making the kids quiet books so I just cut them to size and laid them out.
I used my Cricut to cut out numbers, pinned them to the felt, traced them and then cut them out.
Sewing around all the felt and the number cutouts was quite a long process that involved a bunch of pins...have I ever mentioned I hate pins!!
Since there was another side I decided I didn't want to just leave it blank so I came up with this flower/bean bag game. I just free handed the petals and the numbers and then sewed them on.
I used left over fabric from the main piece and filled it with dried peas and secured it with a rubber band and then wrapped a piece of felt around the band. I made 6 of these with different colored felt...one for each member of our family.
I also added a starting point.
On Monday when it was pouring outside I decided it was the perfect day to bring the game out for the kids. They had seen me working on it, but every time they asked to play on it it wasn't finished yet.  

I had fun teaching the kids to throw their rocks and then hop down to them.
After playing hopscotch for a while I showed Owen how he could start at the end of the mat and countdown from 10 - 1 and then blast off onto the couch...he thought that was cool!
Of course soon it was time to turn the mat over and play the bean bag game. The kids LOVE this! We each get one turn and whoever gets the most points gets to be the first in the line for the next round. When play time is all over I turned Ella's old diaper bag into the storage bag for this. It even has a little mesh pocket on the side to hold the kids rocks. I have a feeling that this game set will be getting a lot of use this fall/winter!


  1. How cute!!!! I am so envious of your craftiness...seriously, any ime I attempt something crafty, it turn out looking like one of the kids did it :/

  2. Glad you found a use for those peas!!!
