Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Stockings Were Hung!!

A couple months ago I purchased some Stampin' Up Christmas fabric for .99! I thought it would be fun to make stockings for our family. Of course once I got the fabric I started thinking...what was I thinking!! After procrastinating for a while I started checking out patterns on Pinterest to see if I could find a simple one. I found one that was really basic and explained things well and then decided to give it a go.
First I printed off the pattern and then cut the stockings out of felt. Then I cut the cuff out of the Stampin' Up fabric and matched them up.
Then I stitched up the stocking.
At first I was just going to do the cuff, but at my most recent Stampin' Up party I got the alphabet dies for my Big Shot so I used that to cut out the letters for our names in felt.
Then I started working on the cuff...I followed the pattern for this part and used batting. The pattern said to use batting for the body of the stocking as well, but that was because she was using just plain fabric. I figured since I was using felt it wouldn't be necessary. After stitching the batting and the Christmas fabric together I stuffed them into the stocking and sewed them together. Except this is what happened...
Yeah I literally sewing the whole thing together! I seriously wasn't thinking that one through! I walked into the living room and showed it to Michael and we had a good laugh about it. I told Owen that this was going to be his stocking if he was bad and Santa wouldn't be able to put anything in it. Of course I said it while laughing and in a joking manner! He didn't think that was a good plan!
So me and my seem ripper became good friends for about 10 minutes!
After all that mess I stitched it together properly....much better!
The finished products!
All the stockings! This is such a wonderful visual reminder for me...there was a time in my life when I thought the only stockings hanging on the mantle would be Michael's and I's. I thank God that we were blessed with 4 wonderful children!
I know I do a lot of crafts, but this was a whole other level though. I seriously DID NOT in anyway think they would ever turn out this good!

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