Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Playing In The Street!

Ever since Christmas Owen had been asking to drive his remote control car out on the street. So on Friday after lunch we headed outside. Of course by the time I got Zeke all bundled up and strapped into his car Owen was done driving his car around and had moved onto something else. At first it was riding his bike, but then it moved to playing soccer.  
 The boys were having so much fun kicking the ball as hard as they could and then running after it. It was great that not one car went by while we were playing.
In the end it was Jack on the south side of the street and Owen on the north side and they would kick the ball to me and I'd kick it back. It was great fun!
Like I said I got Zeke all bundled up and strapped into his car that Ga-Ga bought him at the Mill Creek Garage sales. It's so awesome that he can hold himself up to sit in it now. He's so cute!
Ella had fun pushing Zeke around while I was playing with the older boys! A little while after this picture was taken I noticed the Ella had wet her pants so it was time to head in and change her.
Beautiful Bundled Baby Boy!

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