Thursday, January 31, 2013

Science Experiements!

Another one of Owen's birthday presents was a book of science experiments and some of the ingredients needed to do them. 

It's been fun looking through the book and figuring out which one we want to do next. So far we've done the fireworks in a jar and the Mento Geyser. 

Excited to do the Mento Geyser...or as Owen kept calling it, "Metro Geyser". I think someone's seen Megamind too many times!

Jack was pretty stoked too! 

There she blows!!! 

It actually lasted longer than I thought it would. 

There was barely any soda left in the bottle. That didn't stop us from drinking what was left. We also ate the Mentos too! The funny thing that I wasn't expecting was that the soda was totally flat! I figured it be less bubbly, but nope it was absolutely flat! So if you like flat soda and don't want to wait just drop was Mentos in the glass....don't forget to stand back though!

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