Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Who Needs Summer And Water When We Have Beans and Peas!

 Remember that water table I purchased for the kids prior to Zeke being born? Well it saw lots of use this summer...mainly as a container to suck up water into Owen and Jack's water shooters that Uncle Ry got them. Since the weather has been quite dreary the poor water table hasn't seen any action in months! Bring out the beans and peas please! 

So I cleaned out the water table since it was covered in pine needles, brought it inside and the kids helped me dump in the bags of all different kinds of dried beans and split peas.

Before opening the bags we did have a little chat about what NOT to do with the beans and peas. Like no putting them in your mouth....some little girl in the picture above still thinks that EVERYTHING belongs in her mouth! ;) I also informed them that beans and peas were not for throwing up or around the room or at other people.

Jack and his I love it! I remember thinking, "How do boys play with those silly action figures?" Now I know....this boy could and does play with some kind of character all the time! 

Owen loved sending the beans and peas down the slide. Of course this was the most messiest way to play with them. See my hand in the bottom left corner...I'm trying to block them from hitting the slide and going everywhere. 

So focused on her task!!! 

The kids really liked this activity and in the end we bagged up the beans and peas for another day. They were also helpful when it came time to pick up the ones on the floor. Then when I brought out the vacuum to get the rest we didn't get with our hands I did something else fun with the kids...I let them run around and scream their heads off while I was vacuuming! We must have sounded like a nuthouse if anyone was walking by, but it was sure fun!

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