Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First Pinewood Dirty (I Mean Derby) Race!

Our churches Royal Ranger program puts on a pinewood derby every year and this year we decided to sign the boys up to participate. Since this was their first time getting to do anything like this we let the boys dictate everything. They got to choose what they wanted their car to look like and then they got to decorate it all themselves.

Jack chose to have his cut out in the shape of Lightning McQueen. He spent so much time coloring every little space with red marker...he was so proud of his car!

Owen chose to have his car look like Mater. At first I didn't understand why he didn't color the whole thing brown, but then he let me in on the fact that that brown was just Mater's rust! 

Let me tell you pinewood derby or as the boys called it dirty races are serious!!!  I have never been involved with one before, but there are lots of rules. Once you check your car in you are NOT allowed to touch it, your car has to be within a certain weight and then your car gets to race in each lane at least I said this was serious stuff!!! 

Checking out the track! 

Since our boys aren't actually part of Royal Rangers yet they were in their own class with all the other non-ranger kids. Their classes name was Brand X!

Waiting for the races to begin! 

The kids all got to go up on the stage and watch the race from that side of the track. 

Taking care of this boy and keeping him in one location is about as easy as herding cats! 

I will not confirm nor deny on whether or not my 9 month old is eating a Cheetos in this picture! 

Mater is ready to race! Now let me just say...our kids' car were definitely not nearly as cool as the other cars, but we really wanted them to be responsible for their first cars. Next year we will have them work a bit more in regards to sanding and getting the cars to the right weight. 

And that's as far as Mater made it on his own! Thankfully Owen was not upset at all!

McQueen's turn! 

Loser!!! I was laughing so hard! Our boys really took it well! By this time we had already been at church for about an hour and half and we were tired and Zeke was done so me and Michael were just happy we could take the kids home since they didn't make it to the next round of races! It was fun and a good experience for the kids. We did get to see some of the kids get ribbons for the best style car. Noah one of the younger kids got 2nd place for style and he was so cute he said, "Mom I didn't get 10th this year!" His mom Sarah was encouraging me for next year by saying, "See one year your kids cars won't cross the finish line and next year they are winning 2nd for style!" 

And since the kids weren't quite done with racing we did a couple runs down the easement when we got home!

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