Thursday, May 23, 2013

Zeke's 1st Birthday Party!

 Zeke's party was on Sunday and it turned out to be a beautiful day for a party!
His theme was Little Red Wagons. I happened to have this wagon picture frame and then I found the other wagon at a garage sale for a buck. The other little wagons are made out of paper using my Big Shot from Stampin' Up. They are actually the matchbox die just without the cover. I added the paper wheels and then a cute handle. Each wagon has 4 Hershey Nuggets in them.
To go along with the theme I used my Top Note die and made more wagons and hung up a picture banner with pictures of Zeke from Newborn - 12 months.
Here's birthday boy himself! He was actually fashionable late to his own party since naptime didn't go as planned.
Papa & Grandma Martin came to the party for a little was nice to see them!
Uncle Jon and Aunt Becky came to the party with Camryn and Samantha in their new to them big red truck!
Pa and Bill had a great time chatting!
Since it was such a nice day we brought out both kid picnic tables and let the kids eat outside....yay for clean floors!!!
Little man ate inside at his highchair. He was quite focus too...we actually had to stop him from eating so we could move on with the par-tee!!
Don't mind the stupid look on my face...what amazes me about this picture is the fact that Zeke is like whatever. He's surrounded by loud children and a bunch of brightly colored bags and he doesn't have a care in the world. He's awesome!
Papa and Grandma Martin got him his very own Jake and the Neverland Pirates beach towel and these cool chunky cars. Zeke loves driving these around!
Ga-Ga and Pa got him swim trunks and a cute onesie/short-all outfit. The card they got him is Elmo and it talks when you push a button.
Zeke loved it so much he kissed Elmo!
Jack was so cute he wrapped up three toys from around the house for Zeke...this ball was one of them. This picture shows the two things he loved the most that night...Elmo card and a ball.
The last present deserved to be climbed's a push walker from Uncle Ry and Aunt Becky.
The other presents Zeke got were - more clothes, music player, books, Veggie Tales movie, sippy cups, glow worm and a gift card to Toys R Us.
When it came time for cake I nearly had a heart attack. Ella had asked me if it was cake time and I said yes. Well she took it upon herself to help out and she went and grabbed the cake off the counter.
Thankfully it was still in the packaging from Costco so it basically just flipped over and landed in the plastic lid. It didn't look pretty, but it still tasted great!
Love the look on his face...he wanted that candle!
On Saturday we had pictures taken at JCPenny's and we gave Zeke a cupcake there and he wasn't very interested at all so I wasn't sure what he was going to do with his smash cake.
Hmmm....this looks interesting! 
Here taste some!
Okay...with one finger!
I bet more fingers is better!
Should it go up here too?
Chocolate kisses for Mommy!
This is more civilized!
All cleaned up!
A couple days before Zeke's party I decided I didn't like the onesie I had previously made for his party. I decided to go with the red wagon theme and make him a red wagon with a 1 in it.
I think it turned out pretty cute!
Group shot!!!
Thank you to everyone who came out and celebrated our baby boy with us!

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