Monday, June 24, 2013


Last weekend we had a garage with 6 other families...there was a lot of stuff. In fact so much we are doing it again this weekend. I've already found more things from our house!
The kids even went through some of their stuff and sold it too. Owen sold his Imaginext Space Shuttle and Dump Truck. And that put his total money saved up to $33!
After swim lessons on Saturday we took the kids ToysRUs and he was able to buy his tank!
I'm so proud of him! $33 is a lot to save and it's taken him over 2 months, but he did it! He worked hard doing his jobs and then selling some of his toys. He's had so much fun playing with it. It neat to see the difference in a child playing with a toy they are given and then a toy they paid for. He has been using Lincoln Logs and Jenga blocks to build towers and then he has his tank run them over. It's pretty cool!

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