Monday, July 8, 2013

A Day At The Beach!

Last weeks weather was amazing! It actually felt like summer! I knew I wanted to take the kids to the beach sometime during the heat wave we were having, but I wasn't sure what day. Then Jen texted me and said that Logan was going to spend Monday will her grandparents and I thought...Monday it is. I'm fine with taking 5 kids to the beach, but one less is always nice! ;)  
Our favorite sandy beach to go to is Coulon Park in Renton. They do a great job maintaining the park.
Last year I took the kids here, but Zeke was just itty bitty so this sandy beach thing is new to him.
Owen is totally in his element at the beach. He loves to dig out the sand and make rivers and lakes.
The water even felt great!!!
Entertainment provided by nature and imagination not technology!
I'm pretty sure Zeke thought the goal was to see how much sand he could possibly get on the blanket!
I figured he needed to get in on the water action! He amazes me that he doesn't get freaked out! He just sat there letting the waves come up on his legs and he loved it!
Jack showing me his moves!
Owen swimming "under" the water!
Ella Bean loved crawling in the water.
The morning that I decided to go to the beach I put that we were going on FB and so a few of my MOPS friends showed up. This was our set up! When we got there it wasn't busy at all, but by the time we was packed!
Time for lunch!
One of the times I took Owen potty we passed the snack shack and I decided it would be fun to splurge and get the kids ice cream. I never usually buy ice cream from places like that because they cost an arm and a leg, but they were playing so nice and it was super hot. They were only $2 a piece so it wasn't so bad!
Jack devoured his strawberry crunch bar and then ate half of Owen's ice cream sandwich that he didn't want. Poor Ella's ice cream sandwich melted so fast and then it broke off and fell in the sand. :(
All in all we spent 4 hours at the beach. I actually kept putting off leaving because I knew the meltdowns that were going to ensure once we got to the car. See my kids can keep it together until they are in a private place like home or the car then the lose it. Thankfully Ella was the only one that had a little meltdown, but she ended up pulling herself together. The one lesson I did learn from this outing was that sunscreen really needs to be applied more than once if you are going to spend 4 hours at the beach!

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