Sunday, July 28, 2013

Biker Chick!

Ella got his bike from her cousin Paige back at Christmas time, but for some reason the training wheels that were on it would not stay on correctly. Now that Owen is riding without training wheels Michael was able to steal them from Owen's bike and modify them to fit Ella's. By modify I mean drilling a whole through the metal without the use of vise grips. Yeah I wouldn't recommend that in the least....Michael pretty much got beat up by a training wheel. The things you do for your kids!
Riding her pink princess bike in a pink princess tutu! Duh!!!
Practicing her facial espressions - Angry!
Mad!!! Ah those lips...they are going to get her in a lot of trouble!
She wasn't too sure about riding around...she still doesn't have pedaling down. She never rode a tricycle so she's starting from scratch. She's fine when she gets going, but she kept pushing her feet backwards and then she'd stop. She also can't start herself...she needs a little nudge to get going.
When she is going she spends most of her time doing this. Were gonna have to work on getting her to watch where she's going or she's going to end up doing what her mother did and run into the neighbors motorhome with her handlebar and break their headlight!
Towards the end of the evening she was having fun and didn't want to come in. Now I can't get her to go back out and try again!

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