Saturday, July 6, 2013

Dancing In The Rain!

A couple weeks ago we had a week of rain. I don't mean was torrential downpours! One afternoon while Logan and Zeke were sleeping I thought it might be fun to go outside and dance in the rain with the kids.  
Ella Bean was the first to venture out.
Then Owen ran through.
Here comes Jack!
Then I got out there with them and jumped and danced around.
It was so fun seeing them enjoy themselves!
Doing some funky moves!
Then Jack wanted to dance with Ella.
Then Owen danced with Ella. One thing I didn't get a picture of...because I was a participant...was Owen dancing with me. It was so precious. He asked me and then he wanted to slow dance and twirl me. Melt my heart!
Then Ella decided to take a load off and sit on this box on our deck not knowing it wasn't stable. Oops! We were all was a fun reprieve from the normal everyday stresses!
Love my these kiddos!

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