Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New Goals!

You might remember back in May when I posted about the kids goals for their money. Since then both Owen and Jack have saved up enough money to get the toys they were working towards. Owen got his tank and Jack got his pirate costume. Ella of course picked the most expensive toy out of the three of them. Her dollhouse cost $32 and of course we have to factor in tax as well so she basically needed to save $35. That's a lot of money for 3 year old!
She also isn't the best when it comes to doing her jobs. She does do them, but she complains and the more she complains the more money I remove from the total she can earn. It occurred to me that since she hadn't experienced the whole process that she wasn't getting it. She needed to actually take her money in and buy something so she could understand that money equals you can buy stuff. We decided to offset what she had earned so she could experience the buying process. By the time we got around to going to Toys R Us she had actually saved $26! I was so proud of her. So off to the toy store we went....only to find out that all the dollhouses were GONE! I was so sad for her. We were in SouthCenter and the next nearest Toys R Us is in Tacoma and we still had other stops to make. So we decided to let her look around and pick out something else. She wasn't too bummed...I think I was more sad than she was. She ended up picking out a purple Leapfrog laptop. So now she's back to saving for her dollhouse and if it's not their the next time we will definitely go to another Toys R Us.
Since the boys have each reached their first goal they needed new goals. So while Ella was looking so were the boys. Jack decided on this super cool Rescue Bots 2in1 toy. It's pretty spendy so it might take him a while.
Owen found these cool Power Train sets. He wants to get this basic one first and then upgrade...
to this set! He has quite a lot of saving to do as well! He did have his eyes on a remote control boat that's almost as big as he is with a price tag of over $100! Thankfully the age range started at 8 so that dissuaded him!
It's been a great process teaching our kids the value of hard work and earning money to buy the things that we need. They really are understanding the we don't just go out and buy whatever we want...we have to save for things!

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