Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Free Gift!

Well sort of...it was free to make! 

I saw this idea on Pinterest and thought it would be fun for Michael. Plus we weren't spending that much on each other so I had to get creative! 

I use my My Memories Scrapbook program that I have to make the whole thing. Then I transferred it to a junk drive and took it to the library and printed it out for free. I love the library!

I like things to rhyme so I made up rhymes for each month and incorporated the date we are going to go on. I don't know about you, but I can always think of a ton of things to do with my hubby and then when we actually get to have a date it's like my brain goes blank. It's going to be nice to have them planned out! 

I used this font that I downloaded a while back, it's called Love Ya Like A Sister. It's my new favorite font! 

It was actually easier than I thought it would be to figure out what to do for 12 dates. What I did was write out a bunch of ideas and then I just matched them up with the month I thought would work the best for that date.

Can't wait to go away for our anniversary...now I just have to make sure that my Mom can watch the kids! :)

What are some of your places to go on dates? It's always fun to get new ideas! 

I have already paid for our date in January to Scotch & Vine....gotta love Groupon! 

So there you have it a free gift...sort of! 

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