Monday, December 2, 2013

Thankful Leaves!

This year I wanted to do something fun with the kids in regards to being thankful. I found this fun template for leaves and printed it out on fall colored paper. On the first of November I asked each of the kids what they were thankful for, wrote it on the leaf and then they got to stick it on the front window. We didn't do it every morning so then on the mornings we did I'd have the kids tell me multiply things they were thankful for. I never let them duplicate their responses so it really got them thinking. 

I loved the way our front window looked! 

It was fun hearing some of their responses....Owen was thankful for "the fair", "Disneyland" and "Ms. McConnell". 

I was sick (still am) most of November so I was thankful for "Health", "Doctors" and "Medicine". 

When we started decorating for Christmas I took the leaves off the window and let the kids stick them to the Christmas tree box. 

Jack was thankful for "Up & Ninjago Movies", "Star Wars Movies" and his "No-No"!

I love Jack's heart he was also thankful for his friends, "Andrew & Josiah", "Ms. Angie & John" and "Brayden & Kyan"! 

Ella kept sticking hers and mine all in one place. Ella was thankful for "Ga-Ga & Pa", "Mommy & Daddy" and the "Sandbox"! 

The kids really enjoyed the thankful fact they reminded me to do them more often then me reminding them! I think we might have started a new tradition! 

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