Thursday, February 6, 2014


Unless you've been living under a rock you know that the Seattle Seahawks are Superbowl Champions!!!!! 

The last time the Seahawks went to the Superbowl I would have definitely called myself a fair weather fan. I didn't know anything about football except maybe the term touchdown. I remember watching the game at our church and being super bummed about the game, but then it was over and life went back to normal. 

Fast forward a few years and Michael started really watching the games on a regular basis. Then 3 years ago I decided if you can't beat 'em...join 'em! I knew that I wasn't going to get to spend half of my Sunday with my husband if I wasn't watching the game. So I started watching...not understand half of it, but then the more I watched the more I started to get it. Then I started liking it and caring about the players. The last 2 years I have really actually looked forward to the games. I've even started listening to sports radio!!! 

This year we knew was different. We were going all the way! You could just feel it! 

I'm so happy that this time around I understand the game and I'm not a fair weather fan......I'M A 12!!!!!

My mom said if we went to the Superbowl she would have a party. It was such an awesome time with family and technically friends, but I feel like Bill & Christina are family! Eating lots of yummy food, talking sports, jumping up and down and screaming our heads off!!! 

Sports can bring people together unlike anything else. Everywhere you go there are fellow 12's! We are LOUD & PROUD! I love that the hard work of our boys has paid off. I told my Dad to describe the Superbowl in one word would be.....VALIDATION!!! Seattle has always been looking down upon and cast off as not being a worthy opponent. I think we've silenced those voices now!!! 

The sad part.....the off season starts now! I'm gonna miss see my Hawks on Sundays. The draft and preseason can't get here fast enough! 


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