Monday, March 10, 2014

Blackmail Pictures!

Naked tush pictures are just so cute!!! I couldn't help myself! 

This cute boy is so scary to bathe! He will not sit down worth anything and he's still a bit uneasy on his feet. It seems like every time he's in the tub we have to rescue him from drowning. I literally have to be RIGHT there sitting next to the tub. Case in point...I was sitting RIGHT there during this particular bath time and then I decided it might be more comfortable to sit on the toilet. Of course that is the exact time he slipped and went under. I jumped up and thankfully by the time I got to him he was already on his knees crying. The last time Michael gave him a back he said he wasn't even trying to get up he was just going to lay there and drowned! 

See his little red spot between his eyes? That's from a fight he had between the floor and a sucker. Thankfully the sucker won and hit him in the head instead of the floor! 

Ella had fun bathing with Zeke. I think this is how we are going to do bath time from now on. The older boys together and the younger ones together. Ella usually likes to tag along with the older boys, but 3 kids in tub is a bit crowded! I remember when all three of them fit into a trailer bath tub! 

This was Labor Day weekend 2011 about 5 or so days after Ella fractured her skull and just a day or two after finding out she had Hydrocephalus and would need to have surgery. Even though it was a scary time it still amazing me to think back and remember feeling peaceful. You know that scripture the peace that passes all's true! 

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