Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ella's Quiet Book!

Not sure if I ever mentioned this, but Ella's first quiet book got stolen. Jen borrowed it for Logan to use on a car trip and someone smashed in their back window and stole the backpack it was in. Creep! 

Since we are going to Disneyland later this year I wanted to make sure she had one and I need to make one for Zeke too! 

The first page is her flower petal page. 

She can count the petals and then store them in the flower pot. 

Here's her gardening page. The carrots are in the ground, but the other fruit and veggies are stored in the basket. 

Such a bountiful garden! 

Cupcake page! 

The cupcake tops can be stored in the cupboard and the oven door opens so you can bake. 

I didn't stitch the top of the oven so the cupcake bases can fit in there. 

Tea party page! 

I used some black stiff sticker felt that I had to put on the back of the tea set. 

Velcro helps keep them in place. 

The cups and the saucers come off as well and the spoons and tea bags can be removed from the cups. 

Ella asked for another scary girl page, but I just couldn't bring myself to make another one. Too creepy! If you don't remember you can click here.

Instead I did a felt doll set! 

What girl wouldn't want a pink armorie filled with goodies! 

There are also accessories behind the mirror! 

Casual outfit with smart phone! 

Formal outfit with roses! 

Summer outfit with ice cream!

Prom dress with purse! 

I need to buy some more velcro so I can finish up the cover and then I'll be done. I love making these books! So many ideas and so much fun! Felt really is a wonderful thing to work with. Just a little imagination, a hot glue gun, sewing machine and Pinterest can get you a long way! 

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