Monday, March 24, 2014

New Seating Arrangement!

Even though Zeke is sitting in a booster seat at Ga-Ga & Pa's house he's still sitting in his high chair at home. Last Friday I decided to take off Zeke's tray and move him up to the table. Logan normally sits at the end of the table, but I don't watch her on Friday's. I think on Monday I'll just move her chair right next to Ella. We'll see how long that lasts before they are separated! 

When Zeke saw me taking off his tray he was quite upset with me, but then once he realized that he was going to get to sit up to the table he thought that was a-okay! We've also been giving him a big boy cup more and more. And yes...the milk in his cup did end up getting spilled over!

Our family of 6 fits perfectly at our table! Daddy had already gone to work! 

Later in the afternoon when it was me, Ella and Zeke I decided to sit in Jack's spot to be closer to the kids. I asked Zeke if he could fold his hands so we could pray. I had never actually asked him to do this before. Ella wanted to if you've heard Ella pray it's the cutest thing. Hears an example of how she'd pray...Dear Jesus, thank you for my food, Owen's food, my fork, Owen's fork....where's Owen's fork? Jack's food, Jack's milk...hey I didn't get any milk! My chicken, Zeke's chicken, my ketchup...Zeke doesn't like ketchup! She's adorable, but as you can imagine prayer time takes a while. On Friday she was praying and Zeke was folding his hands. I was peeking him and Ella prayed about his chips. Then she noticed that he only had one chip instead of chips. Of course her pointing this out made Zeke think...CHIP! So he reached for his chip and then went to take a bite. Remembering we were praying he decided to just hold onto it, but then he realized he wasn't folding his hands. He went to fold them again, but then realized he would crush the chip in his hand. In order to keep his chip safe and abide by proper praying and folding hand rules he took his empty hand and squeezed it shut as hard and he could. It was THE cutest thing ever! This kid just cracks me up! 

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