Monday, March 17, 2014

Play Time!

Last summer Zeke was still too little to do much outside. He wasn't walking yet so he really only enjoyed swinging in his bucket swing. This year he is going to have so much fun!!! 

On Friday night we played outside with the kids for a long time. I put Zeke on the slide and then Daddy caught him. 

I thought he was going to freak out, but he LOVED it! He even would push himself to slide down. 

One time I put him up so he could slide down, but he decided he wanted to stand up and explore the clubhouse. Then I decided he should learn how to get up to the clubhouse on his own. 

I walked him to the back side and showed him the ladder/stairs. 

He literally climbed the whole thing by himself! I love that his cute big ol' tushy is sticking out there! 

Almost there! 


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