Saturday, May 17, 2014

Anniversary Dinner!

This months date is our weekend away which is later this month, but Ga-Ga & Pa did come up and watch the kiddos so we could go out to dinner on our actual anniversary. We had been wanting to try a new place close to home, but then I found a Groupon for Scotch & Vine in Des Moines. It's one of Michael's favorite places so we decided to go there instead. It was a Thursday night, but I went ahead and made reservations just in case. When we got there our table was all ready for us by the wine collection. Whenever we eat at Scotch & Vine we always split everything. We ordered a cheese plate, appetizer, salad and an entree. We were nice and full. After eating we went and did a little shopping and then went to Cold Stone for dessert. We had filled up our Cold Stone card so ours was free this time. It was SO nice not having to share with the kids! 

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