Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Family Movie Night!

A couple Friday's ago our church had family movie night. The kids love going since they have a concession stand and they can buy some goodies. We always have the kids get their money out of their banks so they can buy something. 

We arrived at 6:30, but the movie didn't start until 7pm. By the time the movie started the kids were already finished with all their candy! 

Ella had fallen earlier that day in the garage and skinned her chin pretty bad. She's a trooper though! 

Zeke didn't really watch the movie all that much he liked wandering back and forth between me and Daddy. 

The morning of the movie Jack asked if Andrew could come with us. I told him I would text Ms. Kim and see if that would work for them. At first I was thinking that their whole family might come, but then I occurred to me that if that didn't work for them we could just pick up Andrew and bring him along. It was so fun for Jack to have a friend with him. Kim and I were just amazed that we are actually at this point in our kids childhood where they can go with friends and you feel okay about it. Crazy how time flies!!! 

Andrew & Jackson...already friends April 2008
It feels like we were just here a few moments ago! 

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