Thursday, June 26, 2014


Last Wednesday I had an appointment to get my hair cut. Usually I just go by myself, but this sweet girl wants to be with me at all times. Since she's older now it's so much easier taking her places. She's able to sit and not getting too antsy.

As we were driving to Renton I realized that we were going to be about a half and hour early to my appointment so instead of just waiting I decided to make a detour and take Ella to Coulon park to play for a little while. 

This is a very rare thing for her to get to go all by herself. She was so excited to run around.

I love this playground! There are so many things to explore and climb over and's great! 

Lots of fun sliding! 

Lots of fun climbing! 

All sorts of different things to climb too! 

We were only there for about 15 minutes, but she made the most of it! 

She loved all the bridges to cross! 

One more slide and then it was time to go! 

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