Friday, June 20, 2014

Schools Out For Summer!

June 17th 2014

Last day of school holding the first day of school picture! 

6 years old then....7 years old now! 

5 years old then....6 years old now! 

Cute up first grade! 


Ella 4 years old - Jack 6 years old - Owen 7 years old - Zeke 2 years old

The last walk to school! 

Waiting for school to start! 

Standing in line one more time! 

A couple hours later....SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER!!! 

Goodbye Miss McConnell! 

So long Kindergarten! 

Goodbye Miss Richardson! 

This is about the time I got all teary know you never forget your first teacher. There's something special about that first year in school and now it's over for my boys. In the blink of an eye they'll be graduating! 

To celebrate the last day I got the kids Happy Meals (we never get these) and then went to Daddy's work for lunchtime. 

Zeke wasn't looking in the first pictures so he wanted to cheese for the camera! 

Then the kids got to play with their toys in the parking lot of Daddy's work. So on the first partial day of summer break we have already crossed off two things on the bucket list...Happy Meals and lunch with Daddy! Here's to an awesome summer! 

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