Saturday, September 6, 2014

Back To School Bash!

The night before school started we went to Red Robin to celebrate with Ga-Ga & Pa. We did this last year and I think this will be a long standing tradition that the kids will come to look forward to! 

It's so much easier taking the kids to a restaurant now. They are so good and we never even had to say quiet down. Also the lady next to us said, "Your kids are so well behaved" as we were leaving. That always makes you feel good! 

This was his happy face about getting a lot of boxes during his dots and boxes game with Daddy! 

Back to focusing on the game! 

Zeke man ate great! He just kept chowing down on chicken, fries and apples. Finally he's starting to eat! 

Handsome 6 year old boy! Can't believe he's a first grader! 

Pa and my Owen boy

My love! So happy to be together. Man I missed this guy while I was gone! 

Cute middle kids! 

At the end of the school year Owen got a free milkshake coupon from school and I figured that we should use it before the new school year started. He ended up only drinking a tiny bit. Thank goodness it was free! 

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