Monday, December 29, 2014

Dad's Car Pillows!

This year I have been trying to sew as many Christmas gifts as possible. Well do you know that there really isn't that many things you can sew for guys! 

Thankfully I came across this super cute car fabric on Black Wednesday at Joann's. 

My Dad's office is swimming in cars so I thought these would be a nice addition to the chairs he got a while back. 

I had a cute little man observing while I sewed. 

At first I planned to just have the car material as the front and then red as back.

Then I sewed them and it was a bit busy so change of plans! 

I figured added the red as a border in the front would help soften the busyness of the cars. 

I pinned the cars in place and sewed them down. I was really nervous the fabric would shift and be crooked, but thankfully all went well. 

Two pillows....

ready to be stuffed! 

Nice and fluffy! 

Now I just needed to stitch up the hole where I stuffed them and I'd be done. 

This was the part I was dreading. I've sewed up things before after stuffing them and let me tell wasn't pretty. I really wanted to make this professional looking so what did I do....YouTube! Yep...I watched and YouTube video and now I know how to do a ladder stitch and the seam looks great! 

All done! 

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