Friday, December 5, 2014

Felt Christmas Tree!

Since we don't let the kids decorate the Christmas tree with kiddie ornaments I was trying to think of something to do since we don't have the money to go out and buy another fake tree nor do we have the space in our house to put another tree. Then I saw this idea on Pinterest and thought it would be fun! 

The Saturday after Thanksgiving I went and bought some fleece for blankets and I also picked up a yard of green felt. Then I started cutting out the kids felt Christmas Tree.

I cut out red garland, a star and some candles. 

I used my Big Shot to help me cut a few ornaments that were flower shapes, but the rest I just free handed. Ella had so much fun cutting shapes and having me glue little circles onto the shapes she cut. It was fun doing a craft with her. I also decided our tree looked a little empty underneath so I made some presents for under the tree. 

Now we just have to hang it up so the kids can decorate and redecorate it however they want. 

And now I know why I keep all this absurd amount of small scrap pieces of felt....because you never know when they are going to come in handy! 

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