Sunday, March 22, 2015

Free Ice Cream Is...Free Ice Cream!!!

I don't know if you've ever read the book The Berenstain Bears and the In Crowd, but that is one of the lines in the book.....Free Ice Cream is...Free Ice Cream. It's in regards to Sister Bears friends ditching her to go off with the new kid in town because she offered to buy everyone ice cream. Everyone except Sister and her friend Lizzy that is. Mother Bear is the one that says the line and I love how she doesn't sugar coat it...after all Free Ice Cream is...Free Ice Cream! 

So on Monday when I heard that Dairy Queen was giving away Free Ice Cream to celebrate their 75th Anniversary we ditched the schedule and took the kids out for some Free Ice Cream!!! 

We also asked the neighbor kids if they wanted to go...Donald took us up on the offer, but Dominic stayed home. He's 11 now so I think he's going through a 'too cool for school' phase! I mean come on....Free Ice Cream! ;)

Of course everyone and their mother was there as well. The line had us almost out the door. Thankfully they had one employee solely making cone after cone of vanilla ice cream. 

As I sat down I thought to myself...well as least this place is noisy so people won't mind if our kids get loud. I mentioned it to Michael and then he said....that's only our kids making noise! We asked them to quiet down and sure enough....holy cow they are loud! 

Zeke Man ended up having to sit sideways in the booth so he wouldn't keep ramming his ice cream cone into the table....kid is super short!!!!

Sugar was the last thing these two needed! 

Cute wound up boys! 

As for Michael and I....vanilla ice cream was not going to cut it so we splurged and got a large Butterfinger Blizzard and split it. After all we did save a bunch of money with not having to pay for the kids ice cream! Thank you Dairy Queen! 

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