Friday, March 13, 2015

Kids Surprises!

I don't know about you, but whenever we go away without the kids we have to come back with surprises. I didn't necessarily want to come back with something Wyomingish, but I didn't want to come back with candy or a normal toy either. I did buy all the kids Wyoming shirts so when we go back in August they can where them. 

On our way back to the hotel after Grandma's funeral and all the visiting with family we stopped at Walgreens so Stephie could get some lotion. I just decided to wander around and noticed that they had some pretty awesome sales on their toys. I found some really fun crafty toys that I though the kids would enjoy. I did end up buying Zeke's the next day at Wal-Mart since I didn't seen anything I liked for him at Walgreens. 

I didn't want to wrap the presents, but since I got three of the kids the same type of present I wanted them to see them at the same time. 

Heads on the table! 

Open your eyes!!! 

I love their expressions! 

They are little statues of characters they love and they get to paint them. 

Ella got princesses of course...Snow White and Rapunzel. 

Owen got Guardian's of the Galaxy....Rocket and Star Lord. 

Jack got Spiderman and Electro....he going through a phase right now where his smiles look like he's in pain. Silly guy! And yes our boys spend lots of time running around in their underwear! 

Zeke does not like to get messy so I figured painting wouldn't be a good choice. I wanted him to have something that wasn't necessarily a toy, but would still be fun. I found this cool wooden Thomas puzzle. 

The kiddos got right to work painting one of their statues. 

I found out later that this isn't the type of paint that will just wash off things so the plates they used are pretty much our painting plates for now on! 

I didn't notice that the backing in the box was actually instructions for how to mix the different colors into the ones you needed to make the characters look right, but the kids didn't mind. 

Zeke had to put his puzzle together on the floor since it was so big. 

All done....let me tell you this kid plays with this puzzle daily! I'm not kidding he LOVES it! 

Almost done with Spiderman! 

Owen is my least artistic child...he's more strategic. I was super impressed with him for finishing what he started and he did a great job for not having the instructions. 

This girl loves to paint so she was a happy camper! 

Owen's Star Lord! He still hasn't painted I said not the most artistic. I imagine that Jack will end up painting it for him. 

A couple days later Ella and Jack finished their second statues and now they are proudly displayed in their rooms. Ella is quite the artist..don't you think? I personally think that Rapunzel has a Medusa look going on and it's a little creepy, but that's okay! 

Jackson is my most artistic kiddos. He amazes me with is ability to remember small details and exactly what color goes where. It was fun seeing the kids enjoy their gifts!

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