Saturday, April 11, 2015

Riverview Community Church Easter Egg Hunt!

The day before Easter we went to our church for our Easter Egg Hunt. 

We started off in the auditorium watching a Veggie Tales Easter movie. Then they made announcements and raffled off some Easter Baskets and toys.  

The kids were all supposed to be in different hunts, but since there was just Michael and I there we decided to have Jack be with Owen and have Zeke be with Ella. 

The whole field was sectioned off for certain ages. Preschool - Kindergarten/1st - 2nd/3rd....the 4th/5th grade hunt was in the upper field. I was part of the egg stuffing crew earlier that week. There was a total of 16,000 eggs. We had two hunts so there were 8,000 eggs at each hunt! 

Ella all ready to go egg huntin'! 

I had no idea how Zeke was going to handle the egg hunt, but I wasn't really surprised when he wanted nothing to do with it! 

Ella went right out there and started gathering eggs and putting them in her big Barbie Puppy Purse. After a little while she just stood up and said..."That's enough!" She had filled it about half full and was totally satisfied! So precious! 

Zeke just stood there so Ella helped gather some eggs for him! 

I wasn't really supposed to be on the field with them so I backed up towards the rope. I didn't want to be in the way for other parents or grandparents to take pictures. A few seconds after I took this above picture Zeke totally freaked out because he couldn't find me! 

Happy Egg Hunters! 

Right beside the egg hunt area was a bubble station so they played with those for a little bit. 

There was also two slide and one bouncy house. They also made balloon animals and we had popcorn, cotton candy and face painting all for free! 

Michael had the boys over on the far side of the field. He had coached them on where to go and to stay away from the pack. Jack just ran in toward the right where all the other kids were. 

Owen went to the left and didn't have any competition for a really long time. He got the most eggs by far! There were so many eggs though no one went home empty handed! 

While Jack and Ella were getting their face painted...I forgot to get a picture...Ella got a heart and Jack got a puppy paw print...Owen, Zeke and I stopped to get our picture with the Easter Bunny. I don't know about you, but I honestly don't think I've ever seen a cute and not creepy looking Easter Bunny costume. 

After this hunt we went home and then I came back for the second hunt to man the cotton candy stand. The day before I had spent 2 hours at the church making almost 300 bags of cotton candy. I was covered in the crystallized sugar! There were more helpers that stay after I left and in total we had 600 bags of cotton candy! At the end of the second hunt we tallied how many people came through. Last year we had 700 and we only had 1 hunt. This year our goal was 1000 with two hunts. We ended up having over 1200!!! 

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