Saturday, August 29, 2015

Last Hurrah Of Summer!

The last full week of summer vacation didn't quite go as well as I'd like. We had plans to go to IKEA on Tuesday for Kids Eat Free day and then I was going to take the kids to Coulon Beach...we'd only been once all summer! Then I came downstairs to have the kids help me pack up for our day and I noticed Jack didn't look too good. Within 5 minutes he was puking! Well there goes those plans! With it also went the plan for me to workout the next day with my neighbor and for us to have Kendra and Lilyann spend the night at our house! Best laid plans right! 

By Thursday Jack was feeling better...he said his tummy was bothering him a little bit so I gave him some anti-nausea meds and he felt better. I had been checking the weather and Thursday was going to be our last chance to go to the beach before school started the next week. So it was now or never!  

Even though the weather was nice it wasn't 80 degrees out so the beach wasn't nearly as crowded as it was the first time I took the kids. I also think that in the beginning of summer we are so sun deprived that everyone just flocks to the beach and then as summer is coming to an end it gets to be old news! I for one and definitely looking forward to cooler weather and rain! We so desperately need rain!  

Ella found some acorn tops in the sand! 

We offered to bring the neighbor boys with us again, but they weren't able to come. We were bummed! They have so much fun playing in the lake with Owen and Jack and they are also such great helpers when it comes to getting all the stuff to and from the beach. My kiddos did a great job helping this time! 

They played in the water and made moats and rivers with the sand. 

We got ice cream and Popsicle from the Snack Shack too! 

Unfortunately our time was cut a bit short. Zeke had been coughing that morning and as the day went on it just got worse and worse. Poor boy was hacking! I knew he was going to have a major meltdown and there was going to be no way I could carrying him around, try to pack up everything and then pull the wagon to the van. We packed up after only 2 1/2 hours...I know that sounds like a long time, but we usually stay at least 4! When we got home Ella was starting to cough so I put both of them down for a nap. I'm sad to see summer go, but at the same time I'm excited for school to start and to get back to routine! 

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