Monday, February 29, 2016

Ella's 6 Year Pictures!

On Saturday the 20th I took Ella to JCPenny's for her 6 year pictures. Ga-Ga had bought her Easter dress a few weeks before that and I knew I wanted her to wear that for the pictures. She hadn't even tried it on before the day of the pictures...I didn't want to chance her getting it dirt! I borrowed a little white sweater jacket from a friend, but Ella ended up not wanting to wear it. She also wanted her hair to be long this time.

She is such a beauty! She gets compliments on her hair all the time! 

I love how this picture really shows off her personality. Her sweet face is so precious! 

This was the main reason I wanted her to wear her Easter dress. When I took Owen in for his pictures I saw this cute pennant background and I thought the colors would look great with her dress! How can she be 6 years old already?!?!?

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