Friday, February 26, 2016

Ella's 6th Birth-Day!

For Ella's actual Birthday we let her choose what we had for breakfast and dinner. Breakfast was waffles and dinner was tuna casserole. I asked her if she wanted to open her present that night or wait to open it with all her other presents at her birthday party. She of course chose to open it that night! 

Owen had to photobomb the picture! 

Then Jack had to photobomb this one. 

Those brothers!!! 

Digging in! 

Earlier in the month I had sat down to add things to her Amazon wishlist. I would find something I thought she might like and then ask her and she would say if she wanted me to add it or not. We ended up choosing 3 things off her wishlist. I love Amazon! 

The first thing she took out was a Disney Princess coloring book. It was one of those bigger ones with the handle. As you can see she loved it. 

To go along with her coloring book we got her the Elsa Art Kit. She truly loves to coloring, draw and paint. She has played with this every single day since she got it! 

The last thing was Disney Princess Spot It. The Kuch's got Jack the normal Spot It last year and we love it! This Spot It version is a little more difficult. It has words on it so sometimes your card will have a matching picture, but then other times it's not a picture it's the word to a picture you have on your card. Tricky Tricky! 

Of course she broke out the art kit ASAP!!! 

Next up was her birthday cake. I hadn't really planned to make a cake...not sure why. I guess I just spaced it. Thankfully I just happened to have a lemon cake on hand and some cream cheese frosting in the frig. 

Happy Birthday to YOU!!! 

Make a wish!!! 

That last candle was a stinker! 

Yummy! Happy Birthday Ella Grace!!! 

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