Saturday, February 6, 2016

Pizza Pizza!

I love to make homemade pizza. I make my own bread dough and that's what I used for my pizza crust. I have Kim to thank for that! It's a lot of work, but so worth it! The best part is all the kids will eat it too! 

On this particular pizza night at our house I thought it was hilarious that Owen was wearing his Pizza Food Pyramid shirt so I had to take a picture. I had just recently gotten this shirt with a bunch of other boys clothes for free from the Des Moines Buy Nothing Facebook page. Owen thought this shirt was pretty cool!  

Of course if you take a picture of one kid you have to take a picture of all the kids! Silly boy! 

Pretty girl!

The only thing is I didn't get a picture of Jack....not sure if he was in the bathroom or what, but he missed out on a photo op! 

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