Sunday, February 21, 2016

Snow Day!

I just realized that I forgot to blog about our one and only snow day! It was back on Sunday January 3rd. We were having our last scheduled Seahawks group at our house that day.  

Of course the kids ran right outside to try to catch snowflakes in their mouths! 

Ella couldn't even wait to get to the bottom of the stairs! Open wide!!! 

What a difference from the last time I tried to get him to go in the snow! 

Mr Scott from our church was over watching the game and he brought his almost teenage son Daniel. The kids had a fun time playing with him! 

Owen, Ella and Zeke only lasted so long outside, but Jack and funny Jack's name is Jackson Daniel....stayed outside the longest! 

They had fun getting Olaf...yes that's what they named him...just right! 

Ta Olaf! 

And of course in good ol' boy fashion the moment I was done taking these pictures they proceeded to smash him to bits! Boys!!! 

Side note....while watching the game with Daniel I noticed that the kid pretty much doesn't stop eating...EVER!! That's when I really seriously started talking with Michael about getting another refrigerator/freezer for our garage. Daniel was just one ALMOST teenager. We have 3 boys and seriously Ella is a great eater too! Plus all 4 of the them will be teenagers for 2 years! A couple weeks later after looking on Offer Up I found a decent looking frig for only $60. Michael had to do a little moving around, but he figured it out and now we are the proud owners of another refrigerator/freezer! 

Now if you'll all start praying for us now to survive the teenage years that would be great! :) 

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