Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Board Of Education Recognition Night!

A few weeks ago I got an invitation to the Board of Education Recognition Night due to my volunteer work at the kids school. At first I wasn't sure about it....I do not mind being up in front of people at MOPS, but being recognized made me a little nervous. The letter didn't say anything about a + 1 and I had no idea if this was a formal event or not. The letter did say I needed to let Mrs. Sharon in the school office know if I was going to attend or not. I just happen to need to stop at school to drop off a letter so I asked Mrs. Sharon if it was okay to bring my husband. She said....Of course! Bring your husband, your kids....anybody! That made me feel better about it because I was sure now it wasn't going to be super formal! 

I had already scheduled the LEGO mini build prior to getting the letter and it fell on the same night. Luckily the mini build time was at 4:20 and the recognition night didn't start until 6pm. I did go ahead and make our dinner ahead of time....we were having we could eat really fast and get going. We also got to the LEGO store earlier than our scheduled time so we could make sure we were out of there as early as possible. 

We got to the event at 6pm. I figured the real festivities didn't start until 6:30 because they know people aren't going to show up on time. Yep I was right! They did have refreshments that helped to keep the kids occupied while we waited. They were super clear about how the evening was going to run and we would for sure be out of there by 7:30! There were 6 schools being recognized. It was for students, staff and volunteers. Woodmont was the 4th school to be recognized. 

There were 7 students recognized first, one staff member and then 2 volunteers. I was the second to the last person called for our school. Michael said that I must have been running when I shaking hands and getting my certificate! Of course when our school was up would be the time that Owen would spill his lemonade. Michael was dealing with trying to clean that up when I was called up. He said I passed by him and then by the time he got his phone out to take a picture I was already almost at the end of the line. I guess I'm a speedy hand shaker! 

Here's the group shot of the all the Woodmont peeps including our principal and vice principal. 

I got this certificate, a FWPS school pin, a note of thanks from the principal and a $10 gift card to Barnes & Noble! I have received numerous awards in the past before from school and even from my old job at Safeco insurance, but I have to say this is my most treasured one. When I was working at Safeco the idea that insurance is something that you only need IF something goes wrong just never sat well with me. I didn't really feel like I was doing anything to help make the world a better place. I know that insurance is necessary and when someone does have something happen they are so happy they have it, but still! This award, this recognition that I'm investing my time helping the people that work so hard day in and day out to teach our kids....this award matters! The fact that I get to have an impact on these kids even though it might only be a high five while they are at track practice or a "good job" when I'm walking around the classroom while they are working on their writing assignment. I love helping these kids! I love seeing them smile knowing they've done a good job. This work, this matters! 

I love that every Thursday I get to pack a lunch and go to school! I honestly can not wait until Zeke is in Kindergarten because I will be there as much as I can....hopefully getting paid for it, but if there is nothing available I'll just keep right on volunteering! 

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