Sunday, August 28, 2016

Indiana Bones & The Fantastic Day At The Zoo!

On August 4th the kids and I headed to Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium. My friend Renee and her daughters were joining us. As well as my friend Rachael, her 4 kids and her mom. 

When we went to the zoo with Michael in July we didn't make it to the show and I knew that was something I wanted the kids to see. We arrived at 11:15 and the show started at 12:00. It was perfect timing because it gave us a chance to walk down to there and then we were able to eat lunch before and during the show. 

One of my favorite animals that they brought out was the bald eagle. I love that they have just recently been removed from the endangered species list!!

Have you hugged a seal today?

Jammin' with the Jellies with these cuties....R to L - London, Owen, Reagan, Kendra, Ella, Lilyann, Jackson and Zeke. Not pictured was baby Jaymes...he was less than 2 weeks old and he was chillin' in the Bjorn on Rachael's chest. 

We seem to always get to the stingray section when they are getting some rest. No touching....just looking! 

Of course the kids favorite part we always save for last. Jack and Ella both brought animals to the zoo. Jack brought his puppy and Ella brought her pink elephant. You can see it coming down the slide in the background. 

Owen loves these spinning these. He goes around and would make me so sick! 

Ms. Renee and her kiddos left after being there for a little while, but we hung out for another 30 minutes or so. 

Ms Rachael, her kids and her mom decided to stay after play time and see some more animals. 

Once we were done playing we just headed home. Ella wanted to play with Kendra after she got home from the zoo, but they ended up staying for a couple more hours so it was a bit late for her to go over. 

That ended up being a good thing since this girl was tuckered out!!! 

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