Thursday, September 1, 2016

Hanging With The Kuch's!

This summer has been slow and fast, busy and of all it's been fun! Part of that reason is because we've gotten to hang out with our good friends aka our kids' adopted cousins the Kuch's!

We had fun with them on the 4th of July which I blogged about. They came over to see the remodeled bathroom, have lunch and pick blackberries on August pictures from that visit since we were just having too much fun! Then we got to hang out again on August 15th when we met up to go to NW Trek. 

On our way to the tram we took a picture with the wooden snail. The tram was great fun...we got to see all 5 moose and a bunch of other animals! Zeke was terrified of the moose! 

After the tram we saw the bears and big cats and then we to the awesome play area on steroids! Again not too many pictures because we were just having too much fun! 

On August 22nd we used our passes and took the Kuch's to the zoo. So far we have used our annual passes at NW Trek twice and the zoo three times! I love getting to take friends with us!!! 

Like our previous visit in August we got there around 11:15 and went straight to the show. This time we tried to sit close enough to get chosen to participate or at least be able to catch one of the trinkets they throw into the audience, but we were still too far away. We are always eating our lunch and the first 4 rows can't have food out since it will distract the animals. It was still an awesome show!!! 

The girls had fun riding/snuggling the seal! 

The megladon and a mega amount of teeth...I couldn't resist! 

During this trip we had so many animal encounters it was awesome! We got to meet and touch an armadillo named Scooter, we got to see all the animals at the show and the vulture flew right over our heads, we got to touch stingrays and sharks, we got to touch the jaw of a shark, we got to meet a green tipped Macaw....he was a goofball, while we were getting a tour of the elephant house we got to touch an elephants ivory and an elephant tooth. So many fun experiences!!! 

This is my favorite picture of the day!!! 

This statue is call The Family and it has a Dad, a Mom and a child. I think of the Kuch's as family so it's quite appropriate! 

We kicked off summer with the Kuch's on the 4th of July and we are ending summer with them as well at a BBQ at my parents on Labor Day! 

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