Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Owen & Jack's First Day Of School!

September 7th 2016 - First Day Of School! 

My handsome Jackson is now a big 3rd grader!!! 

What you can't see on Jack's shirt is that it says #winner!!! 

He's now on the bigger side of the school and had recess with the other 3rd - 5th graders! 

Getting so big in his graduation shirt!

Can't believe we are only 10 years away from him graduating!

Ready for a great year of learning!

Still the best at goofy pictures! 

And just for's Jack's first day of kindergarten pictures!!! 

Owen is a 4th grader! 

My handsome boy picked this hat out at Wal-Mart and I about died! I love it! The best thing was it was only $5!!! 

He's such a cool dude! 

Seriously will not be long and he'll be fitting into the shirt! 

Ready to start a fresh new year!

Love this silly guy! 

Just for's Owen's first day of first grade pictures! 


It's totally genetic!

Love my babies even though they aren't babies anymore!!! 

So blessed by all these goofy kids!

Jackson waiting in line to start 3rd grade! 

My first born! 

My second born! 

Ms. Asselin giving them first day instructions!

Heading in!

Jackson is such a cute shy guy. I'm excited to see how he comes out of his shell a bit. He has heard how 3rd grade was a big jump from 2nd so I think he's a little nervous about that. He also was concerned because he doesn't think he looks likes a 3rd grader. I think he compares himself to Owen and he's not as tall as Owen yet. I think Jack is going to really excel at 3rd grade. He loves writing stories and writing is a big part of 3rd grade so he's going to shine! 

I made Owen be the last in his line so I could get a picture of him with Mrs. East. I'm really excited for this year. 3rd grade was a big jump from the primary grades, but it was still a transition time. I really feel like 4th grade is definitely for the big kids. Owen has grown a lot over the summer in regards to being responsible for himself. I can't wait to see what this year brings!

After seeing the boys off Ella and I went to her classroom to have another little conference with Ms. Davidson. On the way out we stopped to take a picture of Ella's silhouette! 

Last year they made all these silhouettes of the kids to hang throughout the hallway. Ella's just happens to be the first one you see when you wall in the school! 

Next up will be Ella's first day on Monday the 12th! 

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