Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Wild!

A couple weeks after bringing Charlie home we decided to let him out in the front yard to explore. Eventually we want him to become an indoor/outdoor cat so he needs to start getting comfortable being outside with the loud noises. 

He was curious about all the things on the front porch. 

Sniffing and checking things out! 

The main thing we learned is Charlie doesn't like to walk in either bark or the grass. He prefers the concrete. We also learned that he is an adventurous boy! He did end up running back inside once he heard the loud noise of the airplane flying overhead. 

A couple days later I let him out on the back deck. I didn't really want him out in the front yard without Michael being home. 

Thankfully we still have the plastic chicken wire all around the railings. Charlie can still be a bit uncoordinated when it comes to being high up on things. He still falls off the couch when he's chasing his tail so it's nice that he can't fall off the deck. 

He got to explore for quite a while and he even went up inside the base of the BBQ to check out where the propane tank goes. Then he wandered over to the stairs and started to go down them. I wasn't ready for him to be that adventurous just yet so it was time to come in after that. 

Charlie still needs to get his shots and be neutered before we are really going to let him go out exploring freely on his own. 

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