Sunday, April 30, 2017

Easter 2017!

 I was able to actually sing in the choir at church this year...last year I wasn't able to sing at Easter because I was so sick I couldn't stop coughing. We sang for 3 Sundays....the two before Easter and then on Easter Sunday. 

My parents came to church with us for the 3 Sunday's that I sang. It was fun for them to be there. If they lived closer they would come to church with us every Sunday. 

This year we hosted Easter Sunday at our house because Michael was on-call. We had the Kuch's over for dinner and Christina's parents were here on vacation so they came too. It was so fun to see everyone! We moved the table over and had it go diagonal so we could have a table for the adults and the kids. Owen took this picture for us and he did a great job! 

Here was the kids table. Ga-Ga got a flower centerpiece for the adult table so Ella had to have flowers on the kids table. We ended up using the flowers we used for her tea party! 

The kids played for quite a while and then we figured we should get the egg hunt underway. 

Heading down to the backyard. 

Go, go, go!!!! 

Then it was craziness! 

They were everywhere! 

Trying to get a picture of them actually getting an egg was a bit difficult! 

Caleb found the one I hid up high! 

Owen got the one that Michael hid up high! 

Pretty girl! 

Zeke got the one that Daddy had hid in Owen's coat. 

Some of them were tricky and some of them were pretty easy! 

Caleb was the only one that still needed more eggs. Ga-Ga had enough so each kid could have 7. He found another one up high. 

Then another one inside the clubhouse. 

Back inside checking out their haul! 

This year Ga-Ga put candy in some and then change in some. 

Ga-Ga also made sure that the candies in the eggs were chocolate since Ella can't have dye. 

Happy guy! 

Fake smiler! 

Zeke man always thinks he has to squint when he smiles! 

Caleb has such a nice smile!!! 

Addison looking so pretty in her dress! 

Last year Caleb had lost all his front teeth well now it's Anna's turn to have no teeth! 

This was right before we let them open their eyes to see their Easter Baskets. 

Happy Girls! 

Happy Boys! 

Ga-Ga & Pa! 

Tom, Christina and Gay! 

Michael and I....this is one of the dresses that I got at Value Village. I also wore the shoes I got as well! 

Mom, Dad, Me & Michael! 

Christina & Bill! 

It was such a nice day celebrating the resurrection of our Lord. Eating good food, visiting with loved ones and just fully enjoying this life that we don't deserve, but because of grace...His grace we get to! 

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