Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Prayer Journals!

Our church has an amazing kids program. They make it so fun! The kids room got a huge makeover about a year ago. They have all new game shooting game, Foosball table, air hockey table, arcade games and those fun candy grabber games. The kids get all sorts of Bible bucks for bring their Bible and participating in that Sunday's theme...such as wearing purple on purple day or crazy socks on crazy sock day. They sing worship songs and take offering just like us adults. They have sword drills where they look up scripture and they play silly games too. For the main Bible teaching they watch these fun videos with a guy named Johnny. He's crazy and nuts and so fun! The kids love him and I enjoy watching him when I'm volunteering. There are MAP (Mission Action Plan) books that go with the lesson and if the kids complete their MAP book they can bring it back and earn Bible bucks. Starting a couple months ago Johnny was talking to the kids about having a prayer journal. The kids kept asking me to get them one, but I forgot to put it on my list. Finally when I did our monthly shopping for April I remembered to pick up a prayer journal for each of them. I got them at Wal-Mart....they are just small notebooks with straps to help keep them closed. They only cost $1.88 each. 

The day I got them I had the kids all sit down at the table and we talked about what they wanted to pray about. I wrote out the date for them so they'll have a record of when they prayed that prayer. It's always fun to see the date you originally prayed for something when God does answer your prayer later. 

Ella was so sweet...she prayed for a girl in her class who doesn't always make good choices. She prayed that she would be nice. 

Since Zeke can't write yet I had him draw a picture and then I wrote the words for him. He drew a nice picture of a cat. 

Jackson wanted to pray for Santa Al's cancer to go away forever! 

Owen also wanted to pray for Santa Al to get better and that God would take away his cancer. 

I thought it was so sweet of the boys to pray for Santa Al I just had to text Ellen with the pictures of the boys prayers. She read them to Al and she said they both cried. She was going to print them out and put them in Al's Bible so he could see them on a regular basis. 

We haven't been the best at recording prayers every day, but we have started sitting in a circle at night and everyone gets a chance to pray. I love to hear what's on my kids hearts and what's important to them. Prayers for Santa Al come up on a weekly basis! What I also love is how frequently my kids don't even ask for anything....they just use their prayer time to thank God for all the wonderful things that he's blessed us with....our house, our family, our world, our cat, our friends and so on and so on. 

Prayer is such a powerful tool and I'm so glad my kids are learning this at a young age! 

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